Wednesday, December 28, 2005

It's Wednesday, It Must Be Garbage

Wednesday is not my favorite day of the week. It starts too early for me. Today is trash day and the garbage truck comes around eight AM. I guess I should explain at this point I am a night person. I really enjoy the early mornings but I enjoy late night more. So alarm clock woke me at 7:30 to roll the fifty gallon trash can down the drive for the truck which would soon be backing up our road. He backs to our drive because there is no room to turn around on our dead end street. Thankfully it's a little warmer on the mountain today and I really didn't feel like changing out of the PJ's because contrary to my usual practice I was going back to bed. I did and slept until ten. Oh, the joy of retirement.

Sheryl over at Paper Napkin is hosting the second annual De-Lurking day. It was greeted with such enthusiasm last year she has extended it. This year it runs from January 9 - 13. Yes, I know that's more then a day. We all have those visitors to our blog who stop, read and move on without leaving a comment. You know who you are. Enough! Comment, damn it. Last year Sheryl donated to Katrina relief for each comment. I don't think she'll be doing that this year as she nearly had to sell one of the kids to make good. Sheryl did my banner and is a good read. Anyone who can come up with phrases like "weasels on crack" has my vote.

After extracting my usual promises to "be good and be careful and don't make a mess" love of my life has returned to Raleigh to complete her sales training for the new job and I have been left to my own devices until Friday night. Fisal is unusually affectionate during her mistress absences and I am forever finding her under my feet. Dangerous place for a cat.

It's turning our to be too nice a day to confine myself to our "media room" (TV and computer). Just checked the temp on the deck and it's in the (fanfare) sixties. So I'm off to the outside world. To all of my three or four readers, have a good one.


Blogger GUYK said...

Enjoy that warm weather while you can.

I understand not commenting on every blog that I click onto-a lot of times I just don't have much to say anyway. Sometimes if I agree I just say yep and go on. If I disagree very strongly I will not be coming back anyway. And I usually don't like to get into a flame war on a blog--serves no useful purpose.

11:50 AM  
Blogger The MacBean Gene said...

I know what your saying. Guy. One can spend the entire day just leaving comments. And as you say many times no comment comes to mind.

12:25 PM  
Blogger Bonita said...

Ha! I think like that too (about my 3 0r 4 readers) - I find they are so cherished due to the fewness of their number...

I try to put the garbage cans out the nite before - no one ever remembers them in the morning in the mad rush to go to work.

And, isn't it great to have the companionship of a cat. Ours even knows how to walk over the computer keys without my missing a stip, er, step.

4:57 PM  
Blogger The MacBean Gene said...

I've thought about putting the trash can out the night before but up here if the bears don't get into it the racoons or some other beastie will.
Fisal is very "needy" now. She misses her mommy.
And Bonita, George should count as three readers.

8:14 PM  
Blogger Sean said...

Garbage day comes once a month at our farm. Benches are removed from my 15 passenger van and a gaggle of 40 gallon cans are packed into the van until there is barely enough room for me to squeeze into the driver's seat. Then it's off to a Franklin County container station and the real fun begins! About midway through this process I develop a strong case of Teuret's Syndrome, vowing to hire a trash service that will drop a dumpster on our property so I can be freed from this monthly ritual. Alas, by the time I return home the Teuret's have faded away and I convince myself that the dumpster service can wait at least one more month :)


3:47 AM  
Blogger The MacBean Gene said...

Ah yes, Sean, my wifes greatest fear on moving here was that we would have to haul the trash to the containers. Fortunatly for all concerned we have trash pick up out of Galax.

5:17 AM  
Blogger Bonita said...

Ha! Now you've got that right about George. In fact I've told all family members to limit their entries, but I have found out that the more education someone has, the more opinionated they get - and are they ever!

10:07 PM  

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