Sunday, January 15, 2006

What Happened To Saturday?

Fortunately the 30 to 40 mph sustained winds with gusts up to 65 mph have died down some. Yesterday love of my life and I had to drive to Lynchburg, Va for a rah-rah sales meeting with the company for which she is working. On the way home we had to dodge many branches in the road and several downed trees. It was a clear mountain evening with a tremendous full moon so bright at times I thought it it was a car following us down the parkway. The view from Rocky Knob was unforgettable with the winter clouds dancing over Rock Castle Gorge and the specks of light far below to the mountains beyond leading to the lights from a distant town.

Had to stop in Meadows of Dan for more gas. We took our favorite gas hog, the Pathfinder as we weren't sure of the road conditions on the way home. They had been busy at "the market" with people stocking up on gas and provisions in anticipation of the the growing bad weather. I have already learned to stock up on what we may need as travel may be treacherous.

The wind up here howls with a full orchestra of sounds and bends the bare trees. It's an awesome music like the constant waves I used to hear when there were heavy seas in the Gulf of Mexico. Mighty easy to fall asleep when on nights like these.

No blogging last night, no phone, no dial up, no internet. At least the electric only went out intermittently and only for a second so I settled down on the couch to watch football. Shortly after the beginning of the second half Appalachian Power and Light had enough and I was left with only the moonlight to enjoy. I thought about what it must have been like to live up here years ago with no electric and only the warming fire in the fireplace. OK, it's gas but it's still a fireplace. I went to bed. Sometime in the early hours the electric heaters kicked back on and we were back in mountain living comfort.

Time to get ready for the trip down the mountain to our little three room church in Willis.
More news from Groundhog Mountain later.


Blogger Bonita said...

Beautiful view from Rocky Knob; I'm glad you thought to stop and get a picture. Enjoy your day at Church. We have a Martin Luther King celebration to attend tomorrow at the Tacoma Dome. It is always a huge success, a real spiritual celebration.

9:17 AM  
Blogger GUYK said...

I like the mountains in the summer but they can be tracherous in the winter. I reckon that of all the places I have lived (and I enjoyed most of them) I still like the Florida sand between my toes the best. Just wish it wasn't so crowded.

10:07 AM  
Blogger The MacBean Gene said...

Capt. you are welcome here but I'm not going there (too old) and you sure won't have to cut wood!
It's the crowds, Guy, it's the crowds! And your welcome,too and in summer.
Bonita, you would love our mountains.

1:31 PM  

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