Yeah, They're Everywhere
The little ones, German roaches and such are much more ubiquitous. Once when I moved into a clean (I knew it was, my ex-wife had lived there previously and she was clean) house I noticed a few. At that time there was a product which when sprayed if it didn't kill the buggers would alter them genetically and prevent reproduction. I sprayed and they started running from any available crack or crevice. I started running for the door. When I felt it safe to return I swept them up by the dustpan full.
Baltimore was another story. One of the joys of rowhouse living is that if the neighbors have roaches, you've got roaches. No matter how clean one keeps the house the neighbors bugs like to visit. If nothing else the curious little devils like to explore. When it rained the big ones would appear around the house, kinda like fast moving zombies from "Night of the Living Dead".
Almost a year has gone by since our move to the mountains and we had seen no roaches. Wanda was happy and I was happy. She's been traditionally the bug murderer as I'm usually still recovering from the sudden shrieking. Blood pressure and all that, you know. As any of you who may follow the continuing saga of the MacBean know, my last week was spent in Roanoke while love of my life remained at the Villa. A shriek over the phone is about the same as a shriek in person except the cause remains unknown which only adds to the suspense.
Evidently we had missed woods roach season last year. The bad thing about these critters, they are drawn to the light. The good thing, they are not to fond of the indoors. The other good thing is they seem to have only a short season. So roach season appears to be over and now it's tourist season.
I once worked with a woman whose last name was Roach. She was really nice but I think I would have added an umlaut or something.