Leaves and Visitors
Autumn has come to the mountains and with it lots of traffic on the Parkway. I mean there were lines of sightseers. People who are not fortunate to live up here come in droves to enjoy the beauty of the changing leaves. They are scheduled to reach their peak next weekend. This weekend the weather more than cooperated staying around 60 degrees (that's farenheit) so picnics and walks were the order of the day. Love of my life commented that there were too many people. Since I grew up in Florida, a tourist destination, I am used to this kind of invasion.
As those of you who have been paying attention know, it's Monday and I have several tidbits of information. The first, which is of passing interest but a nice thing here at Villa MacBeane, is we don't have to be on the job untill 9 AM (that's eastern time). It means we get an extra half hours sleep and a little more time to blog.
Secondly and of more general intrest, there appeared a comment from Buffy. She seems to have grown up in this part of the world and writes about it very well. She now lives in Europe, England, I think. She is an enjoyable read so I've added her to my blogroll.
I've been photo blogging about the foliage over here in Franklin County and so far it's been a great year! Over here, certain warmer season trees including black walnut, roughleaf dogwood, flowering dogwood, american hornbeam and the sycamore all began to change simultaneously a bit over a week ago. Now, the maples and other hardwoods are just starting to change. There are two almost distinct waves of foliage and it's quite different than my experience in Vermont, where everything seems to turn at nearly the same time. I also observe a definite difference in foliage characteristics here in Franklin County, where our red piedmont soil caters to a different selection of trees than the soils in Floyd County, and westward, seem to.
Well, living in the outburst of the capital of Sweden, I must admit that I'm used to crowds too, but O'boy do I wish it were different!
I sometimes think that I would do an excellent recluse...
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