Tuesday, April 25, 2006

More Back Roads

So I hopped out of bed, rolled the trash down the drive for Wednesday collection only to discover it's Tuesday. Hope no one saw it and thinks I'm crazier than I am.

Love of my life and I are off today to harass the good citizens of Independence, Virginia . It's about an hours drive through some very pretty country. The gas prices have become a major consideration. Other than the times I would chauffeur her around before I found gainful employment this is the first occasion of us traveling the insurance road together.

Yesterday working the same area (not together) I discovered Falls Road. As the name implies there are several charming waterfalls and today with camera in hand I will record same to share. We had a Falls Road in Baltimore which was not quite so charming altho' it was somewhat scenic and had some curves and hill which the Celica enjoyed. After our thrills here in the mountains of Virginia the desire to drive Baltimore's Falls Road was drastically diminished.

My brain function is slowly returning to it's normal state (whatever that is) after a hectic several weeks consisting of long hours and frenetic activity. Sometimes challenges are needed to remind us of the important things of life which are often taken for granted. Our ring tailed friend Bandit, has become a regular nocturnal visitor perhaps because Wanda has been feeding him (or her, not sure which) peanut butter. And Rocky has been zipping from the feeder to the trees with startling consistency. It really is the little things in life that count.

For those who really care, I havn't forgotten the Easter bonnet pic.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're just pleased to hear that you too have done "the wrong thing at the wrong day".... We often does that. A habit.

Hope you're getting some more time together, you and Wanda, from now on :-)

On the little thing I only have one comment:

"The hole world is a lot of miracles, but we are so used to them, that we see them as everyday events".

[ H C Andersen ]

12:05 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

Such a beautiful time of the year to find a new road with great scenery. I also enjoy the few critters we have in the area - mostly birds. ec

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I care (smile) and I MISS YOU! Love to SWMBO -- sounds like "yall" are having a blast!

5:02 AM  

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